Yum............Junior mint cookies and oranges are my favorite Night-before-Thanksgiving-road-trip-warm-up! I LOVE eating them while my mom is making the stuffing and pie! Tomorrow we are going to drive three hours away from my house! But it is going to be worth it. Turkey, mashed potatoes, pie, stuffing and cake will all pay up for it! Gus also has been packing up his bags for an across the street drive and is sleeping at my friend's house for a few nights.
What a nice treat! Hope you had a great road trip and are back home safe and sound. Any good turkey stories?
cookies & fruit... Santa must really like visiting your house! :-)
So what was the highlight for Thanksgiving? pie, people, play?
took cousin out to see lights down the block last night. loved it.
our best to your furry friends - teddy & Gus
love, oupa/ouma
I hope that was a yummy snack. Did you have a fun time eating it? What order did you eat it? Bye-GLS
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